| 1. | The impact of all this on our top management is hard to believe . 这一切在我们高级经理人员中引起的震动是难于令人置信的。 |
| 2. | Many in top management had argued against buying it, but henry had insisted . 在上层管理机构中有许多人反对收买这家公司,但是亨利一意孤行。 |
| 3. | Top management assembles a special committee to assess the promotability of all the employees . 总经理责成某个委员会去评价全部职员的潜力。 |
| 4. | Within the ranks, chrysler's problems were not confined to top management . 在办事人员当中,克莱斯勒公司的问题并不仅仅限于最高层的管理机构。 |
| 5. | Marketing success or failure is directly traceable to the support that top management gives or withholds . 市场营销的成败直接归因于最高管理层能否给予支持。 |
| 6. | It is frequently the general level of amenity in an area which attracts top management as much as high salaries . 一个地区舒适的生活水平,经常和高薪一样能够吸引高级管理人员。 |
| 7. | Our top management went to new york to speak to a group of a hundred key bankers and stock analysts . 我们公司的高级经理人员曾前往纽约,与一批主要银行家和股票行情分析家会谈。 |
| 8. | They were supposed to constitute the system of checks and balances to prevent the flagrant abuse of power by top management . 他们应该形成一套制约和平衡的体制,以防止高级管理机构明目张胆地滥用权力。 |
| 9. | The head of each division was responsible in detail for all aspects of his operation, and was constantly scrutinized by top management . 各部门的领导对他分管的所有方面负有全面责任,并时常受到上层管理机构的检查。 |